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Members' Forum: Tuesday 28 June

Middlesex members are reminded that the Forum this evening will start half an hour after close of play.

Therefore, with rain currently forecast this afternoon, please note that if play is abandoned early for the day then the Forum will still take place half an hour after the official close, whenever that is.


We would like to remind all Middlesex members that the mid-season Members' Forum will take place tomorrow, Tuesday 28 June after close of play on day three of our Specsavers County Championship match against Lancashire at Lord's.

The forum will take place in the Thomas Lord Suite and will start half an hour after the close of play. We encourage members to come along and take the opportunity to ask a panel made up of Chairman Mike O'Farrell, Chief Executive Richard Goatley, MD of Cricket Angus Fraser and Head Coach Richard Scott, any questions they may have about the club and the season so far.

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