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Middlesex reforms its Players Association

Middlesex County Cricket Club is delighted to announce that the Middlesex CCC Players Association has been reformed.

Since Middlesex was formed in 1864 almost eight hundred players have had the privilege of representing this fine club of ours, and each and every one of them has worn the three Seaxes upon their chest with pride, playing their part in making us the club we are today. Reforming the Players Association will hopefully enable many of these to remain in contact with the club, stay in touch with their fellow teammates and not become strangers here at Lord’s.

The club will be holding annual events this season and beyond, to which we’ll be inviting all former Middlesex players who meet the criteria to join us at Lord’s as our guests for the day. The first such event is being held on Monday 19th June 2017 on day one of the Specsavers County Championship match against Yorkshire CCC.

We’ve no doubt that these events will prove popular with the club’s past players and will provide the ideal forum for what we hope will be a fantastic reunion.

Players that meet any of the following criteria are eligible:

  1. Any player who has had a full-time contract with Middlesex.
  2. Any player, professional or amateur, who has played in a first-class match for Middlesex. 
  3. Any player, professional or amateur, who has played in a List-A match for Middlesex.
  4. Any player who has played for Middlesex in a Twenty20 match.

A committee has been formed to organise the Players Association, comprising the following names; Harry Latchman (Chairman), Angus Fraser, Tim Bloomfield, Keith Dutch, Bob Baxter and Nigel Ross

Harry Latchman, the Players Association Chairman commented...

“At Middlesex we have been a long while getting past and present players together. As County Champions it is a fitting time to celebrate the inaugural Players Association day which will become an annual event. How good will it be to meet up with some of your old team mates?”

Nigel Ross added...

“There is a real appetite throughout the club to foster and support the Middlesex Players Association, thereby encouraging and maintaining the link with past and current players. I am delighted to support and be involved with the inaugural Players Association day, which should be a fabulous get together.”


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