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New Middlesex Cricket club rules adopted at this evening’s Special General Meeting at Lord’s

Middlesex Cricket is pleased to announce that following the return of proxy votes through the Electoral Reform Societies’ postal ballot and members’ votes at this evening’s Special General Meeting at Lord’s, the new rules proposed by the club have been adopted by the members.

Richard Goatley, Chief Executive Officer of Middlesex Cricket commented:

“We are delighted that the club’s membership has adopted the proposed new rules.

“On behalf of the club’s Executive Board I would like to thank all members for their diligence over the past few months, from the initial consultation of members in the summer of last year, through to those that took the time to return their postal ballot forms recently or turn up in person to vote at this evening’s SGM.

“Adopting the new rules allows us to modernise the club’s governance procedures, take greater responsibility for leadership of cricket throughout the county and both recreational and professional levels, and work towards achieving compliance with Sport England’s Code of Sports Governance.”

The new club rules have been posted on the website, within the Members only dashboard, and are now available to view.

Any members wishing to view the new club rules can do so by clicking HERE and registering to access the Members' dashboard.

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