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Ahead of this weekend’s Derick Morgan final, we spoke to Bushy Park Girls CC – a Teddington-based female-only club which has drawn members from five local clubs and its wider community to create a brilliant atmosphere for girls cricket to thrive.

How has playing in the Women’s Leagues benefited Bushy Park Girls CC?

Bushy Park Girls was founded in 2012, with the immediate aim of encouraging participation in girls cricket in the area whilst supporting the most talented girls to progress into representative cricket. The league has provided the club with the opportunity to expand on that, by showing a clear pathway into competitive female cricket, with the ability to offer something for everyone once they outgrow the junior age group categories. There are a high number of players who joined Bushy Park as a junior and have grown with the team, and are now able to continue to play at the club in the Women’s Leagues. Similarly, the T20 League offers the chance for the older girls to gain some experience of playing in adult cricket which will hopefully encourage them to keep playing in the future. It is an excellent format for encouraging continued participation and allowing players to discover their confidence in the game.

What else happens at Bushy Park Girls CC?

Bushy Park Girls is a developing club about to enter its tenth season, with teams entered into all MJCA age groups. The club have a fantastic community ethos, and a lively social scene. Whilst many players have grown with the club and progressed through the system, there are an increasing numbers of the girls’ parents who have started to play having never played before, creating a very energetic and inclusive squad. At Friday night training, there will be County players playing alongside complete beginners, all playing with a smile on their faces. Bushy Park offers the opportunity to play competitive cricket in an inclusive and highly supportive environment, with any age or ability welcome.

What next?

The Derick Morgan League concludes at William Perkin School this Sunday afternoon (5 September), with Bushy Park taking on North London in the final. Please contact Sharon Eyers for more information on Women and Girls cricket in Middlesex, especially if your club is interested in creating or developing their women’s section.

We would like to thank the team at Bushy Park Girls CC for their contribution and wish them the best of luck on Sunday! You can find more information about the club on their website.

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