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Middlesex Online and Social Media Policy

Middlesex Online and Social Media Policy

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Middlesex Cricket understands the importance of social media in today’s society and how it can be used in a positive way for communication and promotion. This policy provides guidance on how Middlesex Cricket uses the internet and social media, and the procedures for doing so. It also outlines how we expect our staff, workforce, and volunteers, as well as the participants who engage with our programmes, to behave online.

The aims of our online policy are:

As part of using the internet and social media, our organisation will:

Managing our online presence

Our online presence through our website or social media platforms will adhere to the following guidance:

What we expect of staff, workforce, and volunteers:

What do we expect of children and young people:

Using mobile phones during sports activities

So that all children and young people can enjoy and actively take part in sports activities, we discourage the use of mobile phones during such activities. As part of this policy, we will:

Use of other digital devices and programmes:

The principles in this policy apply no matter which current or future technology is used – including computers, laptops, tablets, web-enabled games consoles and smart TV’s – and whether an app, programme or website is used.

As an organisation, we commit to implementing this policy and addressing any concerns quickly and within these guidelines.

Any concerns should be reported to the County Safeguarding Officer by emailing [email protected] or by phoning 02036 409772

Reviewed 30.11.2024

Next review date November 2025